arg min f(x) = the value x with the minimum value of f(x)
這個arg min f(x)的意思是,當f(x)是最小值的時候,x的數值
e.g. 以下的例子
f(0) = 3
f(0.9) = 2.1
f(1) = 2
f(1.1) = 2.5
f(2) = 5
f(3) = 46
因為最小的f(x) = 2
則arg min f(x) = 1
Information about Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Computer Engineering 電機、電子、通訊、電腦資訊工程的學習筆記
iOS程式語言:Study Swift
樹莓派和Python:Study Raspberry Pi
arg min f(x) = the value x with the minimum value of f(x)
這個arg min f(x)的意思是,當f(x)是最小值的時候,x的數值
e.g. 以下的例子
f(0) = 3
f(0.9) = 2.1
f(1) = 2
f(1.1) = 2.5
f(2) = 5
f(3) = 46
因為最小的f(x) = 2
則arg min f(x) = 1
By default, Spyder does not show some Numpy arrays in variable explorer.
To show them, simply unselect "Exclude all-uppercase references".
why converted numpy array is NOT showing in the variable exloporer in Spyder 4? (StackOverflow)
The output y of a single-node neural network can be represented as:
y = a(Σwixi - θ)
where a is the activation function, xi is the ith input, wi is the ith weight, and θ is the threshold.
When the summation of wighted input Σwixi is less than θ, the neuron does not output. Hence we call θ the threshold, which is similar to the threshold potential in a physical neuron.
We may replace θ by -b and get
y = a(Σwixi + b)
where b is called the bias parameter.
So b = - θ is a more generalized representation for the threshold.
A Beginner’s Guide to Neural Networks: Part Two
Hinton Neural Networks課程筆記2b:第一代神經網路之感知機
This is a function of Audacity.
To mute a selection in Audacity, simply click the button for 'Silence audio selection'.
Result:Related Information:
Audacity: Change audio speed and keep the pitch of the talker unchanged (StudyEECC)
Audacity: Change the sample rate from 44.1 kHz to 16 kHz (StudyEECC)
對於LaTex新手來說,使用中文可能會遇到一點小麻煩,不過其實並不困難,只要使用CJK套件,然後在中文的部分載入bsmi(明體)或bkai(楷書)字體即可。本文以Mac TeXShop環境為例:
The blog `StudyEECC' (\begin{CJK}{UTF8}{bsmi}電機、電子、通訊、電腦資訊工程的學習筆記\end{CJK}) was started in August 2016.
以上程式可在IEEE格式 \documentclass{IEEEtran} 中執行
LaTex 的中文設定(陳鍾誠的網站)
講到研究,很自然想到Research這個英文字,例如做研究- do research.
因此,在寫理工領域的英文paper、文章時,當我們想要說明「本研究」、「這個研究」時,很自然會想要寫 "this research"
If you find yourself writing "a research" or "in this research," change it to "a study" or "in this study."
我個人的理解是,如果是某個領域研究的統稱,包括了許多的studies,這種大範圍的研究集合起來可稱為research,例如人工智慧的研究,稱為artificial intelligence research,或AI research。
當然,我的研究也包含了不少東西,因此可以說my research,我的研究興趣則是my research interests
然而在正式的論文中,提到「這個研究」時,寫this study通常比較正確。
我找了5位英文母語作者,都是我所研究的領域中有名的專家,國籍包括了美國、英國和澳洲,每個人的一兩篇期刊papers中,study這個字頻繁地出現,只有一篇在最後提到this research was supported by 某某機構,而其中的幾篇paper中甚至從未出現 research這個字!
in this study
in the present study (有些同一篇文章後面再簡稱為in the study)
我想,再多的解釋都不如自己做點「研究」,您可試著用Google Scholar,找幾篇自己研究領域的papers,而且作者都是以英文為母語的人,搜尋看看每篇paper中他們怎用study跟research~😄
用Google Scholar找特定的期刊一點都不難,只要加關鍵字source即可!
To Search for a journal with Google Scholar, simply add this:
source:"Journal Name"
For example:
dnn pattern recognition source:"ieee transactions on biomedical engineering"
sound classification source:"Journal of the Acoustical Society of America"
covid vaccine iot source:"science"
To change the sample rate of a sound file is easy. Just use Audacity.
Select the sound tracks and then select Tracks/Resample.
Enter the new sample rate, e.g. 16000.
Related Information:
Audacity: Change audio speed and keep the pitch of the talker unchanged (StudyEECC)
If the speed of a sound file is increased, the pitch is also increased. This experiment can be easily made using Audacity.
Select Effect/Change Speed to change the speed of the sound file.
隨著時代的演進,一切的速度越來越快。以人與人之間的遠距連繫通訊為例,從古時候的「烽火連三月,家書抵萬金」、飛鴿傳書,到近代的電報、電話、傳真,進入網路世界後,從撥接到寬頻,從大哥大到3G, 4G, 5G,甚至馬斯克的衛星網路Starlink,不過短短幾年的時間,資訊科技在通訊傳輸的資料量、速度及移動性都以令人驚艷的大幅度快速的提升。