There are two definitions for the Sinc function:
When x ≠ 0,
for mathematics,
sinc(x) = sin(x)/x (unnormalized sinc function)
for digital signal processing,
sinc(x) = sin(πx)/πx (normalized sinc function)
When x = 0,
sinc(x) = sinc(0) = 1 for both mathematics and DSP.
In DSP, sinc(x) is also called the sampling function:
Sa(πx) = sin(πx)/πx = sinc(x)
Information about Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Computer Engineering 電機、電子、通訊、電腦資訊工程的學習筆記
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Euler's formula 歐拉公式
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) 瑞士數學家
Euler 歐拉/尤拉
Euler's formula helps to find the exponential function of a complex number.
Euler's formula 歐拉公式:
ejx = cosx + isinx = cisx
eiθ = cosθ + isinθ (1)
e-iθ = cos(-θ) + isin(-θ) = cosθ - isinθ (2)
(1) + (2) gives
=> eiθ + e-iθ = 2cosθ
=> cosθ = ( eiθ + e-iθ )/2
(1) - (2) gives
=> ejθ - e-jθ = 2isinθ
=> sinθ = ( eiθ - e-iθ )/2i
cosθ = Re(eiθ) =( eiθ + e-iθ )/2
sinθ = Im(eiθ) =( eiθ - e-iθ )/2i
ei = cos(1) + isin(1) = 0.540302306 + 0.841470985i
eiπ = cos(π) + isin(π) = -1 => eiπ + 1 = 0
Matlab function:
exp(i*pi) or exp(j*pi)
cis (mathematics) (Wikipedia)
Relations between cosine, sine and exponential functions
Exponential function & natural logarithm 指數函數與自然對數
Magnitude of Exponential Function exp(iθ) = ? 如何求exp(iθ)的大小/絕對值
Euler 歐拉/尤拉
Euler's formula helps to find the exponential function of a complex number.
Euler's formula 歐拉公式:
ejx = cosx + isinx = cisx
eiθ = cosθ + isinθ (1)
e-iθ = cos(-θ) + isin(-θ) = cosθ - isinθ (2)
(1) + (2) gives
=> eiθ + e-iθ = 2cosθ
=> cosθ = ( eiθ + e-iθ )/2
(1) - (2) gives
=> ejθ - e-jθ = 2isinθ
=> sinθ = ( eiθ - e-iθ )/2i
cosθ = Re(eiθ) =( eiθ + e-iθ )/2
sinθ = Im(eiθ) =( eiθ - e-iθ )/2i
ei = cos(1) + isin(1) = 0.540302306 + 0.841470985i
eiπ = cos(π) + isin(π) = -1 => eiπ + 1 = 0
Matlab function:
exp(i*pi) or exp(j*pi)
cis (mathematics) (Wikipedia)
Relations between cosine, sine and exponential functions
Exponential function & natural logarithm 指數函數與自然對數
Magnitude of Exponential Function exp(iθ) = ? 如何求exp(iθ)的大小/絕對值
Exponential Function & Natural Logarithm 指數函數與自然對數
exp(x) = ex
some coordinates:
(0, 1)
(1, e)
Differentiation 微分 :
d(ex)/dx = ex
d(eax)/dx = aeax
Integration 積分 :
∫ ex dx = ex + c
∫ eax dx = (1/a)eax + c
Maclaurin Series:
ex = 1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! + ... + xn/n!
ea+b = eaeb
(ea)b = eab
ea+bi = eaebi = ea(cosb + isinb) = eacis(b) (Euler's formula)
Inverse of ex:
natural logarithm 自然對數
loge(x) = ln(x)
derivative 導數:
d[ln(x)]/dx = 1/x
Exponential Function plotted by Matlab:
Exponential Function (Wikipedia)
Matlab: Draw an Exponential Function with exp() with a custom Y-axis at x = 0
some coordinates:
(0, 1)
(1, e)
Differentiation 微分 :
d(ex)/dx = ex
d(eax)/dx = aeax
Integration 積分 :
∫ ex dx = ex + c
∫ eax dx = (1/a)eax + c
Maclaurin Series:
ex = 1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! + ... + xn/n!
ea+b = eaeb
(ea)b = eab
ea+bi = eaebi = ea(cosb + isinb) = eacis(b) (Euler's formula)
Inverse of ex:
natural logarithm 自然對數
loge(x) = ln(x)
derivative 導數:
d[ln(x)]/dx = 1/x
Exponential Function plotted by Matlab:
Exponential Function (Wikipedia)
Matlab: Draw an Exponential Function with exp() with a custom Y-axis at x = 0
DSP terms 數位訊號處理基本名詞
digital signal processing 數位訊號處理/數位信號處理
sampling 取樣
quantization 量化
reconstruction 重建
point sampling 點取樣
impulse sampling 脈衝取樣
aliasing 頻疊、混疊
Nyquist frequency 奈奎斯特頻率
zero crossing 零交叉 - 訊號剛好為零(由負到正或由正到負的瞬間) (Wikipedia)
根據Wikipedia,計算zero crossing的數量可估計語音的fundamental frequency基頻
piecewise 分段
piecewise linear function 分段線性函數
sample and hold 取樣與保持
linear interpolation 線性內插
quantization step 量化間距/量化步階
quantization error 量化誤差
Signal-to-quantization-noise ratio (SQNR) 信號-量化雜訊比
SQNR = 6.02b + 1.76 dB 量化時每增加一個bit時,SQNR可提升6.02 dB (See Signal to quantization noise in quantized sinusoidal)
unit impulse 單位脈衝 δ[n] Dirac delta function 狄拉克δ函數
unit step 單位步階/單位階 u[n]
companding 壓擴/壓伸
time domain 時域
frequency domain 頻域
complex frequency domain 複數頻域
Fourier series 傅立葉級數
discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 離散傅立葉變換
fast Fourier transform (FFT) 快速傅立葉變換
discrete Cosine transform (DFT) 離散餘弦轉換
Z-transform Z 轉換
region of convergence (ROC) 收斂域
sampling 取樣
quantization 量化
reconstruction 重建
point sampling 點取樣
impulse sampling 脈衝取樣
aliasing 頻疊、混疊
Nyquist frequency 奈奎斯特頻率
zero crossing 零交叉 - 訊號剛好為零(由負到正或由正到負的瞬間) (Wikipedia)
根據Wikipedia,計算zero crossing的數量可估計語音的fundamental frequency基頻
piecewise 分段
piecewise linear function 分段線性函數
sample and hold 取樣與保持
linear interpolation 線性內插
quantization step 量化間距/量化步階
quantization error 量化誤差
Signal-to-quantization-noise ratio (SQNR) 信號-量化雜訊比
SQNR = 6.02b + 1.76 dB 量化時每增加一個bit時,SQNR可提升6.02 dB (See Signal to quantization noise in quantized sinusoidal)
unit impulse 單位脈衝 δ[n] Dirac delta function 狄拉克δ函數
unit step 單位步階/單位階 u[n]
companding 壓擴/壓伸
time domain 時域
frequency domain 頻域
complex frequency domain 複數頻域
Fourier series 傅立葉級數
discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 離散傅立葉變換
fast Fourier transform (FFT) 快速傅立葉變換
discrete Cosine transform (DFT) 離散餘弦轉換
Z-transform Z 轉換
region of convergence (ROC) 收斂域
Matlab: Draw a Sine curve with sind()
To plot a sine wave between 0° and 360° in Matlab, simply use sind() in degrees:
>> x = 0:360;
>> y = sind(x);
>> plot(x,y)
If you want to draw sine waves in radians, use sin() instead. The website below shows how to use the sin() function and how to adjust axis ranges:
Set axis limits and aspect ratio (MathWorks)
You may also try the code below:
>> s = [0:.1:2*pi];
>> y = sin(s);
>> plot(s,y)
Related Information:
How to draw a sine wave with Simulink
>> x = 0:360;
>> y = sind(x);
>> plot(x,y)
If you want to draw sine waves in radians, use sin() instead. The website below shows how to use the sin() function and how to adjust axis ranges:
Set axis limits and aspect ratio (MathWorks)
You may also try the code below:
>> s = [0:.1:2*pi];
>> y = sin(s);
>> plot(s,y)
Related Information:
How to draw a sine wave with Simulink
Complex Number & Complex Conjugate 複數、共軛複數
complex number 複數
complex plane 複數平面
real part 實部
imaginary part 虛部
z = a + bi
Re(z) = a
Im(z) = b
i2 = -1
-i = 1/i proof: -i = -i × i/i = -i2/i =-(-1)/i = 1/i
∠z = tan-1(Im(z)/Re(z)) = tan-1(Ib/a)
z = r∠θ
r is modulus 模數 / magnitude 量值/大小
θ is argument 幅角/引數 / phase 相位/相角
r = |z|
argument 幅角
phase 相位/相角
in-phase 同相位
out-of-phase 不同相位
For Acos(ax + b), phase is b. and amplitude is A.
radian 徑度/弧度
phasor 相量
ejx = cosx + isinx = cisx (Euler's formula)
complex conjugate 共軛複數
if z = a + bi,
the complex conjugate of z is
z_bar or z* = a - bi
Re(z*) = Re(z) = a
Im(z*) = -Im(z) = -b
To get z*, simply flip z around x-axis.
|z| = | a + bi | = √(a2 + b2)
|z|2 = |a + bi|2 = a2 + b2 = (a + bi )(a - bi ) = (z)(z*)
Matlab: conj()
>> z = 1 + 2i
z =
1.0000 + 2.0000i
>> z_conj = conj(z)
z_conj =
1.0000 - 2.0000i
conjugate transpose 共軛轉置
Euler's formula
complex plane 複數平面
real part 實部
imaginary part 虛部
z = a + bi
Re(z) = a
Im(z) = b
i2 = -1
-i = 1/i proof: -i = -i × i/i = -i2/i =-(-1)/i = 1/i
∠z = tan-1(Im(z)/Re(z)) = tan-1(Ib/a)
z = r∠θ
r is modulus 模數 / magnitude 量值/大小
θ is argument 幅角/引數 / phase 相位/相角
r = |z|
argument 幅角
phase 相位/相角
in-phase 同相位
out-of-phase 不同相位
For Acos(ax + b), phase is b. and amplitude is A.
radian 徑度/弧度
phasor 相量
ejx = cosx + isinx = cisx (Euler's formula)
complex conjugate 共軛複數
if z = a + bi,
the complex conjugate of z is
z_bar or z* = a - bi
Re(z*) = Re(z) = a
Im(z*) = -Im(z) = -b
To get z*, simply flip z around x-axis.
|z| = | a + bi | = √(a2 + b2)
|z|2 = |a + bi|2 = a2 + b2 = (a + bi )(a - bi ) = (z)(z*)
Matlab: conj()
>> z = 1 + 2i
z =
1.0000 + 2.0000i
>> z_conj = conj(z)
z_conj =
1.0000 - 2.0000i
conjugate transpose 共軛轉置
Euler's formula
Matlab: Vector, Matrix, Array and Row/Column Vector
In Matlab,
vector = one-dimensional array
matrix = two-dimensional array
The example below shows the difference between a row vector and a column vector:
>> x = 1:7
x =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
>> y = x'
y =
x is a row vector.
y is a column vector.
vector = one-dimensional array
matrix = two-dimensional array
The example below shows the difference between a row vector and a column vector:
>> x = 1:7
x =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
>> y = x'
y =
x is a row vector.
y is a column vector.
Matlab: Submatrix/Subvector
A. The example below shows how to:
1. Define a vector with incrementing integers.
2. Define a second vector (subvector) which is formed from partial elements of the first vector.
>> a = 1:10
a =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>> b = a(5:7)
b =
5 6 7
B. The example below shows how to get a submatrix from an existing matrix:
c =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
>> d = c(2:3,2:3)
d =
5 6
8 9
C. Divide all elements of a vector by an integer:
>> e = a/2
e =
0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000 2.5000 3.0000 3.5000 4.0000 4.5000 5.0000
1. Define a vector with incrementing integers.
2. Define a second vector (subvector) which is formed from partial elements of the first vector.
>> a = 1:10
a =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>> b = a(5:7)
b =
5 6 7
B. The example below shows how to get a submatrix from an existing matrix:
c =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
>> d = c(2:3,2:3)
d =
5 6
8 9
C. Divide all elements of a vector by an integer:
>> e = a/2
e =
0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000 2.5000 3.0000 3.5000 4.0000 4.5000 5.0000
C語言:檢查字元是否為英文字母 - isalpha()
To use function isalpha(), call
#include <ctype.h>
char ch;
if (isalpha(ch)) {
//ch is an alphabet
} else {
//ch is not an alphbet
#include <ctype.h>
char ch;
if (isalpha(ch)) {
//ch is an alphabet
} else {
//ch is not an alphbet
Matlab: 儲存變數於MAT檔案中 Store Variables in MAT-files
To store Matlab variables, select:
File -> Save Workspace As -> *.mat
To retrieve variables stored in a MAT-file, select:
File -> Open -> *.mat
Click the "Save Workspace" button or press the hotkey:
[command] + [s]
To store Matlab variables, select:
File -> Save Workspace As -> *.mat
To retrieve variables stored in a MAT-file, select:
File -> Open -> *.mat
Click the "Save Workspace" button or press the hotkey:
[command] + [s]
Matlab: 檢查是否已安裝工具箱 Check if Matlab Image Processing Toolbox already Installed
To check whether the Image Processing Toolbox has already been installed in Matlab, simply type:
help images
help images
Companding 壓擴/壓伸
companding 壓擴/壓伸 = compressing 壓縮 + expanding 擴展
companded quantization = compressor + uniform quantizer 均勻量化 + expander
compressor 和 expander 的功能相反
當dynamic range有限時,透過先壓縮再還原,以減輕失真
Companding algorithms of the G.711 ITU-T standard:
μ-law - USA/Japan - 動態範圍(dynamic range)較大,訊號弱時失真(distortion)較大
A-law - Europe - 訊號弱時音質較好
Difference Between A-law and u-Law
G.711 (維基百科)
companded quantization = compressor + uniform quantizer 均勻量化 + expander
compressor 和 expander 的功能相反
當dynamic range有限時,透過先壓縮再還原,以減輕失真
Companding algorithms of the G.711 ITU-T standard:
μ-law - USA/Japan - 動態範圍(dynamic range)較大,訊號弱時失真(distortion)較大
A-law - Europe - 訊號弱時音質較好
Difference Between A-law and u-Law
G.711 (維基百科)
文章 (Atom)