
Jacobian Matrix 雅可比矩陣

Jacobian Matrix 雅可比矩陣

The matrix that arranges the first-order partial derivatives of a function of a vector.

vector y is a function f of vector x:

vector y = f(vector x)
vector x = [x1, x2, ..., xn]
vector y = [y1, y2, ..., ym]

Jacobian matrix:

J = [∂f/x1, ∂f/x2, ..., ∂f/xn]
  = [∂y1/x1, ∂y1/x2, ..., ∂y1/xn
      ∂y2/x1, ∂y2/x2, ..., ∂y2/xn
     ∂ym/x1, ∂ym/x2, ..., ∂ym/xn]
(The above figure of formula is from Wikipedia: Jacobian matrix and determinant)


Jacobian Matrix (Wikipedia) 雅可比矩陣 (維基百科)
Autograd: Automatic Differentiation (PyTorch Official Tutorial)